I mentioned in my first post my Sacred Centuries project. Let me give you a brief introduction to that project here.
In September I’ll set off on a pedaling pilgrimage around the United States. My plan, over the next couple of years, is to pedal a “sacred century” in each of the fifty states. Ideally, I’ll pedal at least 100 continuous miles in each state, and visit various spiritually significant sites along the way. These sites might be buildings, such as churches, monasteries, mosques or meeting houses; they might be burial grounds, specific graves in cemeteries, or lands/waterways where historic events or gatherings took place. These places may be sacred to many, or known by only a few. They may even be sacred to only you and your family, like my beloved Pin Oak tree who stands like a sentry outside the window of my childhood bedroom.
Now, this is where you come in. I would be so grateful for your input regarding the sacred sites I might plan to visit. What sacred sites in your state are particularly moving to you personally, and/or significant to spiritual/religious communities around you? What makes them sacred or special to you? Also, if you know of someone specific, who might I contact in advance about seeing and celebrating your sacred suggestions?
I am super excited about this opportunity to herald some of the places in this country that have spiritually stirred so many, served as connectors to the Great Source, or stood in homage to significant circumstances and events. I am also really thrilled at the possibility of meeting so many of you along the way, and learning about how you are attuned to and interested in sharing whatever is sublime and sacred in your own backyard. Thank you in advance for your generous offerings and ideas. Also, if you’d like to hear more about how this idea came to fruition, here’s a brief video with a wee bit more information.
For now, friends, Pedal on!
What an awesome video explaining your sacred century tour and your connection to One Spirit! I will be there every turn of the pedal to support you, Rev Julie!
Thank you, dear one! I’m so excited to share this journey with you!
Itís hard to come by well-informed people in this particular subject, however, you seem like you know what youíre talking about! Thanks